High speed tests at Groningen Airport
High speed tests at Groningen Airport

AI Innovation Lab for Transporting People and Goods

The Province of Groningen wants to maintain and expand its position as a European front-runner by developing and growing regional Field Labs for Autonomous Transport and speeding up the commercial use of autonomous technology in transporting people and goods.

robotTUNERs’ task is to develop and test a certification system for autopilot software applicable to all modalities. A generic methodology for certification for all modalities can contribute to achieving the goals and results. The COLUMBUSS autopilot is developed for this purpose. The budget for this task is 1 million euros.

A collaboration with the technical universities in the Netherlands is initiated by robotTUNER to speed up commercial deployment of autonomous transport systems in the province of Groningen using open-source hardware software and knowledge available at multiple R&D groups. Five field labs are established on university campuses in the Netherlands' North, East, Middle, South and the West. robotTUNER supplies all five field labs with an open-source autonomous multi-purpose vehicle.

COLUMBUSS multi-purpose vehicle
COLUMBUSS multi-purpose vehicle
MiniCity (source: MIT)
MiniCity (source: MIT)

In addition, a microsimulation lab will be installed at the Science and Engineering Institute of Groningen University to research the potential of microsimulation for proving ground testing.

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